If they are not challenged they automatically succeed. They do not need to reveal any of their face down cards unless they are challenged. They can be telling the truth or bluffing.
If they choose a Character Action a player must claim that the required character is one of their face down cards. Some actions (Character Actions) require influencing characters. ActionsĪ player may choose any action they want and can afford. The game ends when there is only one player left. They leave their cards face up and return all their coins to the Treasury. When a player has lost all their influence and both their cards are face up in front of them, they are immediately out of the game. Challenges are resolved first before any action or counteraction is resolved. If an action is not challenged or counteracted, the action automatically succeeds. A player may not pass.Īfter the action is chosen other players have an opportunity to challenge or counteract that action. Each turn a player chooses one action only. The game is played in turns in clockwise order. When a player has lost all their influence they are exiled and out of the game.
Revealed cards remain face up in front of the player visible to everyone and no longer provide influence for the player.Įach player always chooses which of their own cards they wish to reveal when they lose an influence. The characters printed on their face down cards represents which characters that player influences and their abilities.Įvery time a player loses an influence they have to turn over and reveal one of their face down cards. To eliminate the influence of all other players and be the last survivor.įacedown cards in front of a player represent who they influence at court. Players should familiarize themselves with all the actions and characters before starting the game. Place the remaining coins in the middle of the play area as the Treasury. Each player's money must be kept visible. Place the remaining cards in the middle of the play area as the Court deck.
Players can always look at their cards but must keep them face down in front of them. Shuffle all the character cards and deal 2 to each player. In these turbulent times there is only room for one to survive. To be successful, you must destroy the influence of your rivals and drive them into exile. But for you, a powerful government official, this is your opportunity to manipulate, bribe and bluff your way into absolute power. The Resistance have created discord, intrigue, and weakness in the political courts of the noveau royal, bringing the government to brink of collapse. Out of the oppressed masses rose The Resistance, an underground organization focused on overthrowing these powerful rulers. Their greed and absolute control of the economy has reduced all but a privileged few to lives of poverty and desperation. In the not too distant future, the government is run for profit by a new "royal class" of multinational CEOs.